Haiku Kukai 1—Memories
(select your top 4-5 favorites)
Global Haiku Tradition--Kukai 1, PACE Summer 2003

faded patches
hot iron
still too cold

Igentry Wilson (2)

turtle on the log      soup tonight

endless sea water
white sand and shells
a castle

thunder claps
instant darkness
little voice calls

Nicky Bachtold (4)

playing till dark
mother's voice
peaceful dreams

the smell of flowers
on Sunday
beautiful dresses

Igentry Wilson (4)

warm autumn day
two lovers
walk in woods

Frank Brannock (6)

thunder and lightning
pounding raindrops
first love

Becky Buchanan (3)

jagged stones
skipping across my reflection
counting the weeks

preparing for Christmas
a visit to the hospital
a beautiful baby boy

Steve Wilson (2)

can't sleep
waiting and listening for Santa
mother's voice

Leslie Risby (2)

waiting for Santa
lying in the bed
the nurse creeps

gazing from street corner
your old house

voices in the distance
open book on the desk
bell rings

that cricket
missing in action
still is heard from

Tiffany Cleary (4)

Fiery sun
falls into the ocean
glistening bright

Sheri Brown (7)

first light
glassy water
broken by first cast

new snow falling
a footprint's shadow
the sun is rising

tall trees
fresh scents
standing on back porch

the sweet smell of lilacs
lingers for hours
the widow passes away

summer night
laying in quiet
day's secrets are told

Nicky Bachtold (7)

smell of rain
still as night
she calm after the storm

summer storm approaches
back at the cabin
raccoons join the conversation

Pat Donnelly (3)

fields full of flowers
long dark road

200 more miles to go
the moon shining brightly
following me home

Kathy Cuttill (4)

howling wind
bang of shutters
no sleep for mother

summer slipping away
watching you slowly die
I rub your back
to ease
the pain

Kim Tish (4)

a rainbow
paper drying on the windowsill
through a child's eye

lazy afternoon
can opener awakes
cat paws on counter

Amanda Stanckiewitz (6)

blending in the tall green grass
late again

Kathy Cuttill (2)

fresh snowy morning—
shadows on a casket

sea gulls squawking
children playing
warm sand between my toes

Angie Short (3)

dew on my spikes
fresh cut grass
all for par

Michelle Ground (6)

board games
apple slices
Grandma’s laughte

morning doves
startled doe
walking at daybreak

Kris Wolbers (4)


© 2003, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.