Haiku Kukai 3
(select your top 6 or 7 favorites)
Global Haiku Tradition--Kukai 3, PACE Summer 2003

attic window
full moon
restless footsteps

late for bus

Steve Wilson (2)

white autumn frost
silver leaves on water
weary traveler walking

corner pocket—
blind man
plays pool

John Lafollette (4)

crickets hum
sleeping bags zip
all is quiet

hot summer day picnic
soaring through the park
a frisbee

college starts
my daughter leaves
the house so empty

hot afternoon
dog pants in shade
waiting for master

longing for comfort—
I turn to the black book
on the moonlit nightstand

Angie Short (8)

chaotic days of life
then this class
moments to rediscover

soaring high in the blue sky
to Heaven?
majestic bald eagle

Kathy Cuttill (2)

muffled coughing
no pillow
overnight greyhound

watering grass
flock of birds

two boys canoeing
dip, dip and swing them back
flashing like silver
dip, dip and swing

walking by the empty sanctuary
stained glass windows alive with color
silence in the room, peace in my heart

Kathy Cuttill (5)

child’s plastic sword
vacuum becomes
dragon to be slain

Amanda Stanckiewitz (7)

autumn sunset
cuddling under blankets
should I stay?

John Lafollette (7)

child sleeping
faint night light glows
all is forgiven

Becky Buchanan (4)

stopping once again
stomach churns
elevator silence continues

Nicky Bachtold (2)

summer afternoon
my heart beats still . . .
Mom’s chemo session

Amanda Stanckiewitz (3)

fair’s champion pig
wallowing in the mud
salt water taffy

Kim Tish (4)

walking to school
long wet hair
icicles dangle

writing on the page
the phone rings
I'm fake again

Tiffany Cleary (7)

laying in bed
thump in the other room
he giggles

Tiffany Cleary (3)

cool morning
long line at ramp
crappie biting

               n -
down the snow-packed hill
suddenly     a tree appears

Pat Donnelly (5)

dusty wood floor
timed bumping
grandma’s afghan
smells of sweetness

click click click
butterflies in my stomach
up the hill we climb

Grandma hurries to get clothes
in off the line
last clothespin
raindrops fall

Leslie Risby (2)

Right at bedtime
Children sleeping
Mother lying awake
As the thunderstorm
Fills her ears

eggs sunnyside up
swimming in bacon grease
pigs squeal downwind

Pat Donnelly (6)

raindrops pummeling
the garden path
holding each other

Becky Buchanan (6)

sailboat sails
in the shadow of the moon
on a warm brisk night

Sheri Brown (4)

my heart races
as we climb higher
suddenly . . . whoosh . . . butterflies

high above waters
the sky’s color has changed
never tiring
on a tree limb

perfectly struck ball
bouncing on the green
dropping in the hole

age bent hands
softly cradle
the newborn’s head

Kris Wolbers (10)

air whipping past
falling through the air
finally pulling the cord

Kris Wolbers (2)

pain . . .
            p u s h

Kris Wolbers (6)

Christmas morning
snow storm continues
father not home

John Lafollette (6)

outside the tropical fish store
a punk rocker walks by
colors of a rainbow

Pat Donnelly (3)

cold morning
young hunter
watches shadow deer

Frank Brannock (2)

hide and seek
in the cemetery
a bone cracks

Tiffany Cleary (4)

three little words
spoken too late
Grandpa’s funeral

Amanda Stanckiewitz (8)

procession to the cemetery
cars filing in
a dead end

Kim Tish (4)

becoming one
with the night sky—
my heart is on that plane

Angie Short (5)

the boy arches a
lure into the blue sky
a waterbug floats by

eagle wings
warrior's soul
carried home

Frank Brannock (2)

car tightly packed
closed atlas at his side
he heads west

Kris Wolbers (4)

secret smile,
initial flutters
in her softly swollen tummy

Kris Wolbers (5)

hospital beds
with teary eyes
waiting for change
he went away

© 2003, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.