Haiku Matching Contest PACE Class

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Global Haiku Tradition--PACE Summer 2003

summer afternoon
my heart beats still . . .
Mom’s chemo session
thunder and lightning
pounding raindrops
first love
dew on my spikes
fresh cut grass
all for par
blending in the tall green grass
late again
watching the storm
in our hard hats —
stinging hail
blinding lights
rattling windows
rainbow appears
lazy summer days
floating down the river
no care in the world
dust particles floating
in a stream of sunlight—
she sits in the old wooden pew
blue sky has no limit
the warm sun is rising
how much a broken heart can carry
summer night
laying in quiet
days secrets are told
his chest swollen, sore,
and hard
a pillow for my head
warm and cozy
relaxed and content
I watch you sleep

just me and my dad
going fishing
morning dew soaks our shoes


bitterly cold morning
nest of fur in the barn’s corner
new baby kittens

preparing for Christmas
a visit to the hospital
a beautiful baby boy
can't sleep
waiting and listening for Santa
mother's voice
first light
glassy water
broken by first cast
I, too, choose to rest
my reflection
becomes clear

© 2003, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.