Haiku Matching Contest •1 PACE June 2005

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

warm garden dirt
bare feet
picking green beans

sun glistening
across the wildflowers
a rainbow

long blonde ponytail
constantly touching my desk
scissors from home

summer breeze
her brown eyes
my first kiss



  top quarter champion =


top half champion =


bottom quarter champion =




dinner theater
my hand wanders over
to meet his

sunset on beach
watching the sunrise
celebrating our years together

It took a long time
to climb this ladder
I don’t like the view

the top of Sears Tower
amidst the night lights of the city
the proposal


top half champion =  

champion =


bottom half champion =

at the front door
my shadow leaves me
long summer day

held breath
bites her hand
it's a boy, another boy

tiny hand
clutched in mine
my baby girl

too tired to push
I decided to quit.
she came out anyway



  top quarter champion =  

bottom half champion =


bottom quarter champion =




stuffy shirt
encouraging smile
where will this take me

shoes and purse
for every outfit?
of course I do.

hot steamy night
curves of a beautiful woman

beauty in red dress
perfect to me
lost love

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.