PACE Global Haiku • PACE February 2010
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Seasons of Life

Monica Edwards

I was not looking forward to Global Haiku when I signed up for it. I was remembering a poetry class that I had previously taken and dreaded it. I wasn’t sure how I was going to write poems that had to rhyme or contain a specific number of syllables again. As you can imagine, I was dreading this class as well, but kept telling myself that it was only five weeks. Well, I was surprised after attending the first class and realized that my perception of what the class was going to be was incorrect. It was very interesting to hear how people interpret the same thing in so many different ways. In listening to my classmates describe their interpretation of a haiku; it opened my eyes to a different perspective. It also helped me understand some of the haiku that I had no idea what the author was trying to say. It was much easier for me to interpret someone else’s haiku than it was for me to write my own. Being an accounting major my creative side is a bit lacking. It was refreshing after taking mostly business classes to do something different. I enjoyed the class.

My haiku collection is titled "Seasons of Life" for a few reasons. One of the reasons I decided to name my collection "Seasons of Life" is because they are about things that happen to us in life and things we experience throughout our life. Many people experience interesting adventures which makes a haiku even more fun to read and interpret. My haiku involves new life as people begin their journey of marriage as well as old things that have been a part of our lives for years. A second reason for the title is that life is like the seasons. We are constantly changing and doing new things just as the seasons change. Everyone goes through different stages of life which can be compared to how the year goes through seasons. With each season new life is represented through nature in the budding trees and flowers and growing grass. Some aspects of life and seasons are happier and more enjoyable than others, but we have to endure them all.

blistering cold
a good book
by the fireplace

rusty ole bumper and
faded paint…
apple of his eye

winding trail
sound of the waterfall
he proposes


autumn leaves
the processional
I do!

old red truck with
miles of character
still trucking


© 2010, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.