Haiku Matching Contest - Wabi

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

PACE Global Haiku Traditions Fall 2007

pearl necklace
still in the box
my Grandma’s

chipped tea cup
grandma’s collection
priceless possession

cheerleader written in RED
now pink from age
my favorite t-shirt

summer day
dusty record player
still works




top quarter champion


top half champion

bottom quarter champion



photos and cards
cover the piano
out of tune

oak kitchen table
dented and scratched
memories made

summer breeze
rattling gutter pipes

in the autumn evening
the same dream
over and over


top half champion



bottom half champion

stories from grandpa
never get old

winter day
brings old stories
from grandma

snow covered bridge
sound of creaking
coyote howling

halloween night
the wooden barn
scares the children




top quarter champion


bottom half champion

bottom quarter champion



worn out—
my son and his blanket
lights out

snowy evening
beautiful lights
our Christmas tree

first loose tooth
proud smile
waiting for the tooth fairy

reflection in the mirror
trying on glasses he sees
a little daddy

© 2007, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.