Haiku Matching Contest • Silence

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

humid summer day
the Chihuahua
bobs his head as we drive


rainy spring day
the cat flows
over the table

Nick Mclenighan (8)

last week of class
the wind ruffles
my cotton skirt


soft snores—
eyeglasses lying
side by side

Nicole Silverman (13)

humid summer day
the Chihuahua
bobs his head as we drive

Sarah Bassill (5)

last week of class
the wind ruffles
my cotton skirt



top quarter champion =

last week of class
the wind ruffles
my cotton skirt

Katie Burke (10)


top half champion =

fan spinning
in lazy circles
we talk of faith

bottom quarter champion =

fan spinning
in lazy circles
we talk of faith

fan spinning
in lazy circles
we talk of faith

two weeks after vacation
a seashell
at the bottom of my purse

Molly Burns (6)

fan spinning
in lazy circles
we talk of faith


the wind blows
smoke in my eyes
we walk past the transient

Rachel Walker (13)

two weeks after vacation
a seashell
at the bottom of my purse


delicately, I transfer
the worn photo
into my spring purse

Angie Hawk (13)



top half champion =

fan spinning
in lazy circles
we talk of faith



grand champion =

fan spinning
in lazy circles
we talk of faith

Ashlee Peth


bottom half champion =

home from the funeral
the living room
a flower garden

Molly Burns (8)

the loon’s cry
breaking the morning’s


ocean calm
with the manatee

Molly Burns (10)

windows open
at the kitchen sink
scalping strawberries

Michael Knowles (8)

black gloves
clutch a cold hot dog
opening day


the loon’s cry
breaking the morning’s


black gloves
clutch a cold hot dog
opening day

Laura Podeschi (11)


top quarter champion =

the loon’s cry
breaking the morning’s

??? (7)


bottom half champion =

home from the funeral
the living room
a flower garden


bottom quarter champion =

home from the funeral
the living room
a flower garden


dad's classic rock
dispatched fire engines

Joanne Weise (8)

home from the funeral
the living room
a flower garden


dad's classic rock
dispatched fire engines


docking off the Maine coast
fresh caught lobster
for the crew

Jennifer Godwin (10)

home from the funeral
the living room
a flower garden


hands in the pockets
of an oversized sports jacket
she tells me about her dad

Rachel Walker (8)

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.