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"Cap'n Brooks. So good to see you," said Dacount. "What's the meaning of this?" said Cap'n Brooks. "Well, you see, in all of my travels I have been looking for something that would make me very rich and very powerful. I've finally found it. You see, the Pumblos are actually an ancient race put here to guard this mountain. Inside the mountain is a bottomless pit of unimaginable sadness. After tempting the vampire bats over to my side, it was quite easy to enslave the Pumblos and have them build this factory for me. Ever since I've been making canned sadness to be shipped out to evil kings and girlfriends. Now I am on the brink of becoming an international company and I need you and your crew to deliver my sadness around the world."

The Legendary Tales of Cap'n Brooks & the Haiku Crew • page 13 of 24 • © 2005 Mike Knowles