Staples of Life

Global Haiku Tradition--Kasen Renga, Spring 2005

April Mondays
dodging puddles
rolled ankle

no umbrella
passing the chapel

wet socks
soiled shoes
begin sleeping

waking up
air brushing past my face

stars shining
moonlight peeking
a look around

back to sleep
rain letting up

soft smooth legs
a little damp
drying in the sun

we saw each other
under that special tree

morning approaching
sun creeping
around the clouds

one blanket
one love, unforgettable

crashing waves
Heaven's juice
real life

dreamy feelings
sand between our toes

the moon in her eyes
yet sun in her face
thoughts of a future

rolls through our heads

catching the first
my little girl
eyes open

tiny fingers & toes
develop fast

they grow like
the blossoms on
that special tree

packing her up
child to accountant

ring on her finger
time to let go
into the world

he sits in the pew
looking for her

maid of honor
bruised & beaten inside
always picked losers

eating popcorn
watching the movie

her son
Iraq still on her

fear of a loss
belly still growing

warm under the blanket
fan on above head
May day

flowers to
grandma & grandpa

growing older
can't sit too long
joints ache

crowded room
not seen yet felt

never picked first
waiting to hear my name

happy and content
as a mother

broken hearts to mend
time will make
the difference in the end

nighttime approaching
dreamy little thoughts

open window
near the bed
too chilled to sleep

keep the windows closed real tight
heat increased

snowflakes fall down past the pane
cherry blossoms all long gone
little salt will do the trick

watching outside
hoping & waiting

Jill Guffy
Tony Lipka
Cory Hodges
Matt Tierney

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • last updated: April 15, 2005
All rights returned to authors upon publication.