2 Matching Contest - Relationships - Spring 2014 • Millikin University

perfect curves
dark eyes
icy heart

the bony prostitute
opens the car door . . .
another long night

long legs
straight brunette hair
What is my name?

the coffee ring
on the mahogany table
proves she was here

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top quarter champion


TOP half Chamption


bottom quarter champion

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sends text
it's so over

he left me second
I left me

up the drive
prancing happily
a new family member

as i step
outside my wrecked car
the dog lies still


TOP half champion

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BOTTOM half champion

old war medals
the boy asks grandpa
what they mean

braided pigtails
she chatters away
in grandpa's hat

driving his grandpa's truck
by himself
but never alone

milk and cookies
grandpa's mustache
retains the white

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top quarter champion


BOTTOM half champion


bottom quarter champion

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she punishes her daughter
for foul language
the lyrebird sings

I try to fly
from whispered words

tear-stained cheeks
teenage girl washes away
the pain

following my dad
his prints too big
his stride too long

© 2014, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.