Global Haiku Tradition • Kasen-Renga • Spring 2014


Illegal Love

Global Haiku Traditions
Millikin University
April 8, 2014

Illegal Love


laughing at his
jokes, late
summer night


she moves her hair
behind her ear


day dreaming
a smile crosses her lips
first love


the memory
quickly fades


a rekindled love
the soft light
of the moon


lost in his eyes
the night turns to day



the fire in his eyes
burns hot


coolness of her hand
calms my emotions


a sweater
he always wore
her miniskirt


mom said her dress
would get her into trouble


Sunday afternoon—
the polite receptionist
puts her mind at ease


the patient waits
for doctor's call.



the news
changes her life
—Autumn moon


shines across the pond
fishies dance


I bait them in
and throw them back—
cool breeze


daddy-daughter day
exchange of stones


memories of when
times were better


april showers
soaked shoes



reading on the porch
the sound of rain
all around


drip drip drip
the faucet echoes


midnight strikes
the clock tower bell
rings for hours


a man at the top,
the crowd below shouts


“What did this man do officer?”
“he just . . . He did everything.”
prison stories


blues harmonica
reflected by the concrete walls



sun through the window
on the floor
shadows of bars


visitation day
no one waits for him


in the empty cathedral
he delivers the eulogy


on the rooftop
he cries to the moon


cold wind
the man slips
on the ice


dying moonlight
the only witness



dirty hands
as cold as the tin cup
a beggar dies


lost and forgotten,
crowds pass by


a gust of wind
taking his soul
to a better place


like water
spiritual evaporation


the flowers
never stop
asking questions


the cards
only sympathize


• • •

Composed by the Spring 2014 Honors Global Haiku Class. Each student contributed one link based upon the prior students work. Few guidelines were given and the result was not changed in any way.

This was a round-robin mad verse kasen renga, with writers taking turns linking and shifting off the previous verse.

Author links:

Randy Brooks - RMB
Jackie Dumitrescu - JD
Lexi DeSollar - LD
Adam Falasz - AF
TJ Holmes - TH
Jenna Farquhar - JF
Heather Nigh - HN
Debbie Vogel - DV
Alex Brase - AB
Jeremy Maxwell - JM
Dillon Damarin - DD
Kort Branscome - KKB
Blaine Buente - BB
Austin Evans - AE

JF: 1, 13
HN: 2, 14
DV: 3, 15, 17, 37
AB: 4, 16, 18, 35
JM: 5, 31
DD: 6, 22, 32
KKB: 7, 20, 34
BB: 8, 21, 33
RMB: 9
JD: 10, 23, 26, 28
LD: 11, 27
AF: 12
AE: 24, 30


© 2014, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • last updated: April 14, 2014
All rights returned to authors upon publication.