Haiku Attempts Seeking Responses & Editing Suggestions

English 340—Set 2, Summer 2002

after the thunderstorm
sidewalk puddles lure
worms and small children


after the thunderstorm
children hunched over
worms in the puddle

around a bonfire
friends gather
beers raised in celebration


friends gather
around a bonfire
the beer cheer

Shelley Mauer

stomped mulberry fruits
robin's egg blue juicy spurts
polka-dotted porch


mulberries stain
the polka-dotted porch
her dress shoes

Heather Aymer

weightless now
hunkered shoulders clomping feet
fireflies zipping light


clomping home
from a long day's work

ah, fireflies

Heather Aymer

huge broccoli
hills covered in trees
transformed by the children's imagination


huge broccoli
hills covered in trees
the child's imagination

Shelley Mauer

early summer
the mayflowers redden
beneath the strengthened sun


the mayflowers redden
beneath the strenghened sun
early summer


summer coming
the farmer’s children
taste their first sweat


summer chores
the farmer's children
taste their first sweat

Bob Reed

saturday morning
the lawn mower
becomes the alarm clock


her lawn mower
my alarm clock . . .
Saturday morning

Shelley Mauer

small boy with so much anger
and sadness in his eyes
his loved ones stand behind

Jonathon Obermier


fish and sewer smells
rivers in the shoe closet
no basketball


in the shoe closet
the smell of fish and sewer

Heather Aymer

© 2002, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.