EN170 Haiku Writing Roundtable • Fall 2005
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Josh Wild

Selected Haiku

Josh Wild

Hello. My name is Josh Wild and this is my collection of haiku for Dr. Brooks' Haiku Roundtable. Before this class I had never seriously written haiku, so what you are about to see are my first baby steps with haiku.

When I write haiku, I try to follow my mind to wander freely, and for my eyes to simply observe what is around me. I constantly try to avoid imposing myself onto the world. It is only when you stop straining that the moments will come to you.

I remember one time, sitting out in front of one of the dorms for several hours, and allowing the night to unfold itself for me. I felt like a little rock. At one point there was a whole constellation of people smoking out there with me, no one saying anything, everyone completely isolated. I like haiku because it evokes moments like that one, silent and honest ones.

I think you learn more about humankind by reading a book of haiku than you ever would with a history book. It is in these moments we exist.

a moth fluttering
toward a lamp
full of dead moths

damp leaves
in the crosswalk
the cars don't yield

out of the corner of my eye
i can't tell
if they are kissing


running up the hill
damp red ferns
slap my thighs

the Buddhist monk
haggling with my mom
over the Bhagavad Gita


Maroon 5
     on the jukebox—
everyone moans

under blue neon light
the dead fly


eyes closed—
i feel her heartbeat
through her stomach

high school reunion
another old girlfriend
with a new last name


in bed at night
i fart
so loud

first one in the louvre
mona lisa smiles
at my tweed jacket


watching leaves fall
i hope my friend
doesn't see me

after the heart attack
my fingers
     strangers to me


the fixed white stars
turning in the night—
my dog is dead

christmas eve
watching infomercials
with the volume turned down


the fly won't land
i think he knows
my intentions

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.