Haiku Matching Contest 4 - Halloween

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Haiku Roundtable • Fall 2010

single mom's Halloween,
with her little

apple bobbing
a little witch
loses her nose

mysterious clown
her father removes
the mask

middle-aged mother
in suggestive costume
husband’s choice




top quarter champion


top half champion

bottom quarter champion



creating costumes
with boos and friends
on Halloween

homework in my lap
my Halloween costume—
a student

finally bestowed a knife—
my jack-o-lantern’s
pink-stained mouth

IV drip
a taste of blood
or Hawaiian Punch


top half champion



bottom half champion

her hands shiver
as she attempts to sign

squeezing hands
on a midnight walk
through the graveyard

gray cornfield
under the dead stalks
a child’s bones

autumn chill
I drive past
my old stalker




top quarter champion


bottom half champion

bottom quarter champion



swivel chair and a dresser
she talks to mother
under the pale moon

off the beaten path,
orange hooded jacket
running for you . . .

my footrest;
my only support
on this Saturday night

with no one around
only one friend

© 2010, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.

Some more good haiku for kukai (these didn't fit in the matching contest):

first day teaching—
oh, you haven’t seen
the playground

burning light
she slips off
her ring

white feathers
your eyelashes catching

yellow moon
letting myself reread
her suicide note

turning in the first tax form
my father's stamps

old family photo
on the back
a name scratched out

Dad’s old rowboat
sun warmed planks and limbs
bare as the wind

first name basis
at the emergency vet clinic
he got into the candy bowl

the media
fueling our fears
over morning coffee