EN340 / IN350 Global Haiku Tradition
Dr. Randy Brooks
Millikin University PACE Summer 2004
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Selected Haiku

Melanie Millikin

In my life, I have always been artistic. When our haiku class began, I must admit that I thought it would be very easy to write a haiku. I thought that I would merely write down my observations and thoughts and it would automatically sound poetic and profound. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there is so much more to writing haiku. I discovered that haiku is a wonderful blend of both depth and simplicity. Only when these are applied simultaneously will you truly have a good haiku.

My collection of haiku is maily derived from meaningful life experiences of mine own including my family and childhood memories, along with my observations in nature. The haiku that I have chosen for my collection are my best simply because they directly depict the happiness I share with my family.

in the dark
we talk things through
and see the light

too close to the decorated tree
my son's cheek
sports a green glow

approaching truck
the faint wail
of a saxophone solo



my two year old's wet kiss
a mouthful of
Pop Tart crumbs

protruding stomach and
swollen ankles
we say I do



the end of the river trail
the hot sun
upon us

floating in the pool
a dead fly
summer morning


                   Fair Memories

bright lights flashing
the sound of the ferris wheel
going around and around

          tattooed figures smoke in the shadows
          break time

smell of cotton candy
a child’s wondering eyes
savoring the taste

          youngsters encircle the beer tent
          patiently waiting for their only ride home

one last ticket
moving from line to line
lights out

          unexpected shower
          rides frozen in time, dripping . . . last day ruined.

                      Melanie Millikin & Angela McCammack

©2004 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors