Autumn Haiku

the water falls
the fisherman's
line flies

Nick Potje




paths go winding
I get dizzy, dizzy

Meagan Hinze


a breeze blows
leaves of all different colors
flutter to the ground

Rebekah Slodounik


prairie so big . . .
the deer
just spots in the grass

Lindsay Greer


damaged trees--
cicadas announce
"Fall's coming."

John Moorman


mountains in the distance . . .
a blue snake river winding
through the trees

Andy Rauff

a clear stream runs
the little fish
squiggles below

Nick Potje



Spring Haiku Summer Haiku Autumn Haiku Winter Haiku

PAGC Haiku Writing Workshop
March 27, 1999

©1999 YourName
Brooks Books

Randy M. Brooks, Ph.D.
workshop leader & editor