This web site is dedicated to writing, publishing and enjoying English-language haiku. It features the work of poets, editors, publishers and organizations who share in this commitment. For more information about Brooks Books see our about us page. See our complete Bibliography of Brooks Books publications by Randy & Shirley Brooks. What is haiku? Please read our conception of the haiku genre. Brooks Books now hosts the annual HIGH/COO Chapbooks competition which is available by subscription. See guidelines for subscribing and submitting to Purchase the 2024 HIGH/COO CHAPBOOK Mayfly magazine considers snail mail or email submissions! Subscription price is $10 plus $4.00 postage per year. Back issues are $5 each. Save postage cost with a 2-year subscription. Also note that we are now hosting the "Millikin Haiku" web site. This site features the ongoing work of students in haiku courses at Millikin University. This site also features the Decatur Haiku Collection bibliography and other research resoures. Here are our most recently published books:
Milkweed: Selected Haiku & Senryu of Alexis Rotella - a clothbound edition of selected haiku and senryu by Alexis Rotella with a cover photograph by Tom Clausen. This is a classic collection of one of the best haiku and senryu writers of the last fifty years. Red Leaves: Selected Haiku of Peggy Lyles - a clothbound second edition of selected haiku including a reprint of To Hear the Rain plus additional haiku not previously collected. The title comes from one of Peggy’s last haiku published before her death in 2010. Walking Uneven Ground: Selected Haiku of Bill Pauly - a clothbound edition. Winner of the Honorable Mention Award for a best haiku book published in 2021, Merit Book Awards, Haiku Society of America. Winner of Honorable Mention Touchstone Book Award for a best haiku book in 2021. My Red: The Selected Haiku of John Stevenson - a clothbound edition. Winner of the First Place Award for best haiku book published in 2021, Merit Book Awards, Haiku Society of America. Winner of Distinguished Touchstone Book Award for best haiku book in 2021.
Walking the Fence: Selected Tanka of Randy Brooks. Order your copy today. The Art of Reading and Writing Haiku: A Reader Response Approach by Randy Brooks. The Collected Haiku of Raymond Roseliep edited by Randy & Shirley Brooks. Winner of the First Place Award for best haiku book published in 2018, Merit Book Awards, Haiku Society of America. We began publishing in 1976 with High/Coo: A Quarterly of Short Verse. We now have PDF copies of all 24 of these issues available on CD or by email. See a free sample of issue 8, featuring cat haiku. Lost and FOUND! - a box of Haiku: The Art of the Short Poem haiku anthology and video of haiku poet interviews and readings from the 2007 Haiku North America gathring. We thought these were out of print but they are back! Randy & Shirley Brooks, Editors & Publishers |
2024 HIGH/COO Chapbook
Haiku lovers may purchase a bundle of all four 2024 HIGH/COO Chapbooks.
A subscription is $30 + $5 postage for a copy of all three chapbooks.
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2023 HIGH/COO Chapbook
Competition Winners
The three collections and award-winning authors from the 2023 High/Coo Chapbook Competition are Learning to See by Edward J. Rielly; Walking Away from the Sunset; and One Note Moon by Ben Gaa.
Recently Published Books
Red Leaves: The Selected Haiku
of Peggy Lyles
(Includes the complete contents of
To Hear the Rain by Peggy Lyles.)
My Red: The Selected Haiku
of John Stevenson
First Pace - Haiku Society of America
Merit Books Awards for 2021
Winner of the 2021
Touchstone Haiku Book Award
Another Trip Around the Sun: 365 Days of Haiku for Children Young and Old
edited by Jessica Latham Malone.
HAIKU: the Art of the Short Poem
(paperback & DVD video)
back in print!
(we found 1 more box)
An anthology and a video by Tazuo Yamaguchi featuring contemporary English-language haiku writers from the 2007 Haiku North America gathering in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
For more information, see the web page flyer.
Recently Published Books
Selected Haiku & Senryu
of Alexis Rotella
Published March 2024

Walking Uneven Ground:
Selected Haiku of Bill Pauly
Honorable Mention - Haiku Society of America
Merit Books Awards for 2021
Honorable Mention Winner of the 2021
Touchstone Haiku Book Award
The Art of Reading and Writing Haiku: A Reader Response Approach by Randy Brooks
Learning to See by Edward J. Rielly
High/Coo Chapbook 2023
Walking Away from the Sunset by Julie Schwerin
High/Coo Chapbook 2023
One Note Moon by Ben Gaa
High/Coo Chapbook 2023
Walking the Fence: Selected Tanka of Randy Brooks by Randy Brooks
The Collected Haiku of Raymond Roseliep,
2018. Edited by Randy & Shirley Brooks.
100 Haiku for 100 Years: A Celebration of Raymond Roseliep 2017. (see web flyer)
School's Out: Selected Haiku of Randy M. Brooks (see web flyer)
Lull Before Dark: Haiku by Caroline Gourlay 2006. (see the web flyer)
The Silence Between Us: Selected Haiku of Wally Swist 2005. (see the web flyer)
Deep Shade Flickering Sunlight: Selected Haiku of O Mabson Southard 2004. (see web flyer)
Paul O. Williams. Outside Robins Sing: Selected Haiku © July 1999. Handsewn accordian fold, (4.5" X 5.5") 56 pages. (see web page flyer)
Brooks Books publishes Mayfly, a chapbook-sized magazine of English language haiku published twice a year. Each issue features an original haiku (haiku and artwork) by studio artist Jessica Sebok.
Subscriptions are $10 per year. plus $4.00 postage (see our Mayfly page)
Mayfly pays authors $20 credit for purchases from Brooks Books per haiku published.
Submit up to 5 unpublished haiku by email or snail mail. Deadlines are:
May 15 for the summer issue
and December 15 for the winter issue.
Brooks Books
6 Madera Court
Taylorville, IL 62568
Online Collections
Brooks Books publishes free online collections of haiku (with photography or haiga paintings). For a complete listing with links, see our online collections.
Please visit our online collection of photography and haiku, Sky In My Teacup by Anne LB Davidson.
Enjoy three online collections of photography and haiku by Gretchen Batz and Nancy Wiley: Narrative Photo Haiku and Seasons of Water.
Long Walk Alone is an online collection of haiku by Lee Gurga & photographs by Gretchen Batz.
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Brooks Books Haiku web site reviews current haiku books.
Shimizu, Kuniharu. See Haiku Here: Kuniharu Shimizu Haiga. SHH Press, 2015.
Shimizu, Kuniharu. See Haiku Here: Matsuo Basho + Kuniharu Shimizu. SHH Press, 2015.
Shimizu, Kuniharu. See Haiku Here: Yosa Buson + Kuniharu Shimizu. SHH Press, 2015.
One Hundred Poets on Mount Ogura, One Poem Each edited by Stephen Henry Gill & Okiharu Maeda available from Hailstone Publications, 2010.
Emiko Miyashita's New Pond: An English-language Haiku Anthology published by Hokumeisha Press in Tokyo is available from us.
The Brooks Books Catalog or Orders Page makes it easy for you to purchase our books directly on the web with a secure credit card payment through Paypal.
Watch for the ADD TO CART buttons that for online credit card purchases.
Many of our titles are also available from if you prefer to purchase them there.
Our books are distributed to book stores in Japan by Shokai Tuttle.
Write for a print catalog from:
Brooks Books
6 Madera Court
Taylorville, IL 62568
Haiku Translations
Brooks Books publishes dual-language editions featuring contemporary Japanese haiku poets:
Kiyoko's Sky: The Haiku of Kiyoko Tokutomi by Kiyoku Tokutomi, co-founder of the Yuki-Teikei Haiku Society in California. Translated by Patricia Machmiller and Fay Aoyagi
Einstein's Century: Akito Arima's Haiku translated by Emiko Miyashita and Lee Gurga
Love Haiku: Masajo Suzuki's Lifetime of Love translated by Emiko Miyashita and Lee Gurga
To help with the extreme postage costs, we distribute some books from overseas in the USA including books of haiku translations from other publishers. If you have a book you'd like us to distribute in the USA please contact us.