Learning to See

by Edward J. Rielly

High/Coo Chapbook Award 2023

ISBN 978-1-929820-29-0 • perfectbound
May 2023, 68 pages (4" X 6") • $15.00 US

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From the Author's Introduction:

I chose fifty haiku that over the past few years have appeared in literary magazines. These fifty I have separated into five groups, with each group conveying a particular area of my life experiences. The reader may detect some sense of chronology and thematic progression within individual groups.

The first ten haiku look back to my early years on our family farm. The second set, while at times also harkening backward, reflects a broader vision of my experiences. In the third group, I focus especially on my relationship with my wife. The COVID pandemic elicited the fourth set of haiku, and the fifth I am almost tempted to label miscellaneous haiku, but I prefer to think of these haiku as resulting from my seeing beyond myself a bit more consistently.

I readily admit to some overlapping in subject and vision among these five sets of haiku, but that appears to me quite natural and reflective of how we live our lives, with very little tucked away neatly in exclusive niches. It is my hope, referring back to the title of this collection, that readers will “see” much that I have seen, and that they will enjoy that coming together.

~ Edward J. Rielly

ISBN 978-1-929820-29-0
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scrabble . . .
my words and yours

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white clouds drifting —
the long drive back
to where we came from

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first lamb of spring
hanging my wool coat
in a dark closet



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About the Author

Edward J. Rielly is professor emeritus of English and former director of the Writing and Publishing Program at Saint Joseph’s College in Maine.

He grew up on a dairy farm in southwestern Wisconsin and attended a one-room school for eight years, a childhood that he chronicles in the memoir Bread Pudding and Other Memories: A Boyhood on the Farm. He attended Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, and the University of Notre Dame, earning a Ph.D. in English from the latter.

In 1978, along with his wife, Jeanne, and their children, he moved to Maine to teach at Saint Joseph’s College. His forty years at Saint Joseph’s included many years as chairperson of the English Department, a term as Dean of the Distance Education Program, and the creation and directing of the college’s Writing and Publishing major.

He is the author or editor of more than thirty books. They include, in addition to his memoir, children’s picture books, biographies of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sitting Bull, cultural histories, literary studies, examinations of baseball and football, books on detective fiction, pedagogical works, and many collections of poetry. His Answers Instead: A Life in Haiku, published by Encircle Publications, is the 2016 recipient of the Mildred Kanterman Memorial Award from the Haiku Society of America.

His most recent books include Native American Women Leaders: Fourteen Profiles (McFarland), Playing Solitaire: Poems (Moon Pie Press), the second edition of Abandoned Farmhouse and Other Haiku (Press Here), A Bed of Geraniums: Tanka Poems (Encircle Publications), and Beautiful Lightning: Spiritual Poems in a Difficult World (Resource Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock).

He lives in Westbrook, Maine, with his wife of over fifty years, enjoying the closeness of their children and their families, who live in the same town.

About the Author

Edward J. Rielly is professor emeritus of English and former director of the Writing and Publishing Program at Saint Joseph’s College in Maine.

He grew up on a dairy farm in southwestern Wisconsin and attended a one-room school for eight years, a childhood that he chronicles in the memoir Bread Pudding and Other Memories: A Boyhood on the Farm. He attended Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, and the University of Notre Dame, earning a Ph.D. in English from the latter.

In 1978, along with his wife, Jeanne, and their children, he moved to Maine to teach at Saint Joseph’s College. His forty years at Saint Joseph’s included many years as chairperson of the English Department, a term as Dean of the Distance Education Program, and the creation and directing of the college’s Writing and Publishing major.

He is the author or editor of more than thirty books. They include, in addition to his memoir, children’s picture books, biographies of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sitting Bull, cultural histories, literary studies, examinations of baseball and football, books on detective fiction, pedagogical works, and many collections of poetry. His Answers Instead: A Life in Haiku, published by Encircle Publications, is the 2016 recipient of the Mildred Kanterman Memorial Award from the Haiku Society of America.

His most recent books include Native American Women Leaders: Fourteen Profiles (McFarland), Playing Solitaire: Poems (Moon Pie Press), the second edition of Abandoned Farmhouse and Other Haiku (Press Here), A Bed of Geraniums: Tanka Poems (Encircle Publications), and Beautiful Lightning: Spiritual Poems in a Difficult World (Resource Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock).

He lives in Westbrook, Maine, with his wife of over fifty years, enjoying the closeness of their children and their families, who live in the same town.


Grateful acknowledgment is made to the editors of the following journals and publications in which some of these poems appeared:


Akitsu Quarterly

Autumn Moon

bottle rockets

Bundled Wildflowers Anthology


Failed Haiku


Heron’s Nest




Modern Haiku

A Moment’s Longing Anthology

New England Letters



Wales Haiku Journal


Annual High/Coo Chapbooks Subscription

Brooks Books is pleased to announce the three winners of the 2023 High/Coo Chapbook Competition. We loved the range of topics and quality of the haiku evident in these collections.

The three collections and award-winning authors for 2023 (in no particular order) are:

One Note Moon
Ben Gaa

Walking Away from the Sunset
Julie Schwerin

Learning to See
Edward J. Rielly

Haiku lovers may purchase a subscription to the 2023 HIGH/COO Chapbooks at any time during 2023. A subscription is $30 per year which includes a copy of all three chapbooks.

See the 2023 CHAPBOOKS page to purchase all three winning chapbooks for discounted price of $30 plus $5 postage.